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水力旋流過濾器設計用於在過濾器之前去除 > 90% 的沙子,因此不必經常沖洗過濾器。過濾器是一個 4 英寸雙 Scan-Kleen 120 網狀篩網設計用於處理高達 500 GPM。 該過濾器在入口和出口上有一個壓力差計,可以通過打開 1 英寸閥門並轉動曲柄一次從一側清潔濾網進行沖洗。

Amiad provides a selection of low-maintenance Automatic Filters that work well with Dragon-Line, such as the Sigma Pro or the Mini Sigma Pro Series.

Semi-Automatic Inline Brush Away Filters trap dirt from water as it flows through a perforated or a weave-wire stainless steel filtration element. It provides an excellent method of manually cleaning the filter screen without removing the screen itself. It is often combined with a hydrocyclone sand separator for even better filtration.
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